Smitten with my Mittens Do you ever forget what the sun feels like, even when you know it exists and you could have sworn yo...
✈️ Where are you sending your Ready To Go Gift Package? ?The Mega Maine Gift Package has been so popular over the past few weeks that there is only ONE more...
Summertime Kids We all know how quickly the temperatures change during a day in Maine. You may start with a hat and ...
The Story of the Sand Dollar For a moment, let’s consider the story of the sand dollar. As a small, flat sea creature that trav...
New Canvases by Benjamin Williamson Photography We have been spoiled by a delivery of ELEVEN new canvases by Benjamin Williamson Photography. Ben is...
June MeetTheMaker in Bath with Lisa-Marie If you’re a resident of Midcoast Maine, you might be familiar with all the Art Walks that pop ...
Happy Customer gets EIGHTH piece We aim to please and it’s not hard when we have artists like Benjamin Williamson with us. His ...
Whale You Be Mine? We are super proud of our Portland store team! This Valentine’s window is so clever and creati...
Wooden Snowflake Ornaments When you hear wooden snowflake ornaments, do you think of an orchard? I didn’t think so. You m...
Custom 2017 Ornaments It has been two weeks since Christmas day so hopefully everyone who purchased one of these Custom 20...
Nancy’s Bags Wallet for Martha Recently we had a customer who was passing through the Portland Jetport on her way out of Maine reac...
Lisa-Marie & Andy’s Whirlwind Inventory Pickup This week, Lisa-Marie took a day and added a some miles to the van driving all over Maine meeting wi...