
Light Blue Flower Bouquet


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  • Light blue glass arranged to create a bouquet of flowers
  • Arranged into a Maine beach stone “vase”
  • 3″ x 2″ grey frame

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A floral-inspired work of art, the Light Blue Flower Bouquet is made from recycled glass and beach findings and framed in a beachy, light gray wooden frame. A perfect, everlasting bouquet to prop on a shelf alongside other seaside treasures.

Tammy Mullen, an artist from Southern Maine, works with a variety of media: pebbles, driftwood, wire, shells, sea glass and recycled glass (colored glass she breaks and tumbles). She and her husband enjoy camping, hiking and beach walking.
Wherever they go she makes sure to have her scrounging bucket ready to fill with “all things nature” for her framed works of art.