Do you ever forget what the sun feels like, even when you know it exists and you could have sworn you saw it through your window early this morning? When the color gray seems to have saturated the sky, your wardrobe choices, and occasionally your mood? It’s winter in Maine, and honestly, maybe we should think about how the population of Alaska might feel during these months.
I crave the change of seasons, live for the moments when the colors begin to show or change, but the past few days of one-degree, grey, sunless weather had me turning to my comforts: eating hot soup; drinking steaming tea with honey; staying as long as I could buried under warm blankets. When venturing outside with my pup, I braved the elements in my usual winter gear but my saving grace were my mittens. Hand-crafted from recycled sweaters, they are the warmest items I own. With a fleece lining, they are plush, soft, and snug around my hands, leaving no room for icy air to find its way inside. Perfect for dog walks around the block, wintery strolls with a loved one, or running errands on a below freezing day, these will come in handy in many situations.
You know that favorite sweater that got a hole right in the of the chest? The one that breaks your heart to throw out or give away? Well, that is the perfect sweater to create a pair of recycled, fleece lined mittens. Jeanne uses recycled sweaters and felts the wool so that the mittens maintain their shape during all elements. Inside the mitten she uses soft, plush fleece to keep your fingers cozy and warm. Adorning the outside cuff with a cute (and often vintage) button to keep them stylish.
Clearly, I’m smitten with my mittens. ?