Lupine Love - Lisa-Marie's Made in Maine

Lupine Love

A Lil’ History on Lupines: 

In years past, there was a species of Lupine that was native to Maine, Lupinus perennis, but it is now so scarce that it’s nearly diminished from the state. As you are driving the highways and byways in Maine in the spring, you will almost always see a beautiful carpet of pink and purple picturesque flowers. This is Bigleaf lupine, Lupinus polyphyllus, which actually originated in the western United States.

Lupine Wine Glass $18.99

Lupine Stemless Wine Glass $18.99

The Adventurous Miss Rumphius

When Alice Rumphius was a little girl, she vowed that when she grew up
she would travel the world and live in a house by the sea. 
“There is a third thing you must do,” her grandfather told her.
“You must do something to make the world more beautiful.”

Miss Rumphius fulfilled her dreams. She saw the world and returned home to live by the sea in Maine. But she wondered what she could do that would make the world more beautiful…and she discovered it was spreading the beauty of lupines.

“You must do something to make the world more beautiful.”

Barbara Cooney, Miss Rumphius

We’ve got a few BEAUTIFUL photographs of secret spots here in Maine where the wild lupines thrive. Which one’s your favorite, Lori’s Lupine & Bumble Bee or Ben’s Field of Dreams?

Maine Cards & Magnets

Lori Davis takes these stunning photos of famous landmarks and hidden gems throughout Maine. Come shop our selection of her photography – available in cards, refrigerator magnets, and matted prints!

Beth’s Originals

Hand-painted in her studio on the coast of Maine, Beth’s originals feature a range of painted images reflecting our rugged and varied Maine landscapes. Her collection features delicate lupines (seen on right), colorful buoys, and proud puffins.