Fifteen for two and a pair for four and a run of three makes seven. Cribbage players will recognize that first sentence in the first three words. They will also want to see the cards to confirm the players counting of the hand, and probably see if they can get in on the next game. I’m one of those people who enjoy playing a game of cribbage. It’s a great social game. Once you have the basics down, it is very easy to play a game with your cribbage buddy while enjoying a pint and catch up on each other’s life and the goings on around town.Beyond the game is the cribbage board itself. We often have customers who are uninitiated to the game. They’ll pick up a board to admire the craftsmanship and the beauty of it with curiosity and wonder if they should try to learn. I always encourage them to take the time to learn, because I enjoy the game so much. It is interesting how someone who doesn’t even play the game can be drawn to the beauty of cribbage boards we sell. In fairness I have always advised newbies to learn the game and make sure they enjoy it before investing in one of the nicer boards that we sell.
For a cribbage player, or someone who loves a cribbage player, we have some nice Maine made cribbage boards. Some are compact and functional. For those who play regularly in the same spot, some of the boards are larger with built in storage for the cards and pegs. One of my favorite styles attractively hangs on the wall so it’s out of the way at dinner time but is readily at hand for a game with the after-dinner coffee, tea or adult beverage.
Please excuse me now. I think I need to call my cribbage buddy to see if he’ll meet me at the Pub tomorrow after work.