Specialty Food & Candy

Lost Woods Hot Sauce



  • Delightful Hot Sauce gives you that little extra something more than hot
  • Nice hot bite then a garlic finish that sets it aside from all the rest
  • When “Just Hot” isn’t enough this unique flavor takes over
  • Perfect for all types of cooking. Try it in some clam chowder….

Lost Woods Hot Sauce is the perfect way to heat up your meal without diminishing any flavor of the rest of your ingredients.

People are willing to go to great lengths to find a unique taste with the bragging rights as to where they found it and the bizarre name that highlights the label. Too many companies spend far too much time with the name than they do with the ingredients. Not Lost Woods Hot Sauce. They sought out solid flavor before coming up with a name. Most strive for “the hotter the better” and forget about flavor. The Maine Men have taken the time to visit a vast amount of pubs and restaurants that boast great wings with the ultimate hot sauce. Guess what, they also joined the group of sauce lovers still looking for the sauce that is both hot and tasty.

What transpired next is not only true, but also so unbelievable that you are left dazed. These Maine Men heard of a place from a friend, who has a friend that heard it from a friend, that there was a place where natural herbs grew wild in thick wooded mountains. These herbs were said to enhance flavor. So they packed their gear and headed for the mountains. These Maine Men packed plenty of brew and food and they were on a mission to uncover the secret herbs to make their own sauce and show the people it was possible to have flavor and hotness in the same breath. It was many days of searching the mountains with nay a sign of these secret herbs. They wandered on aimlessly for many more days until both were exhausted and frustrated. It was then that they realized they were lost in the woods. The men were out of food and running dangerously low on brew. They savaged the woods for food. The Maine Men found a plant that looked edible and at this point would eat anything, so they tried it. The expression on their faces would be engraved in their memories forever. They were lost in the woods and found the herb they sought. They later found their way to civilization and put the herb to good use. The Maine Men put together a sauce that’s flavor and aroma captivate and then the heat comes on with a surprising uniqueness that leaves you hungering for more. Thus Maine Men named their sauce after their experience, Lost Woods Hot Sauce.

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